Meet some of our characters…

  • Emmeline, Fairy

    Nanny and Dragon Trainer

  • Barrow, Garden Hairy

    Gardener and Worm Whisperer

  • Queen Klellen, Fairy

    Rules all the Fairies and Hairies in Wingwash

  • Mayor Highboots, Hairy

    Being busy, and minding every fairy’s business

  • Laup, Hairy


  • Goggles, Sea-Snoggleguzzler

    Kind hearted, but lazy

  • Auntie Allee, Fairy

    Doer, Fixer, Wing-cleaner

  • Ponty, Dragon

    Keeps pet fish

  • Clucky, Lucky Fairy

    Sprinkles lucky dust when least expecting it!

  • Mother Maria Mindful, Very, very old Fairy

    Retired, but spends a lot of time picking mushrooms for her favourite Gloppleweed stew

  • Auntie Clairyliz, Fairy

    Makes the best cakes and bubbly juice for picnics

  • Dr Jay Altogether, Hairy

    Expert doctor for fairies, hairies and dragons

  • Feebee, Fairy

    Kind, funny, loyal and just a little bit naughty

  • Mavis, Fairy

    A lot naughty

  • Brain, Hairy

    The cleverest and kindest hairy in Wingwash

  • King Ted, Hairy

    Loves painting and decorating Towertops Castle

  • Mistress Fairbottom, Fairy

    Head of Gibbon Cottage Primary School

  • Wingbat, worry whisperer

    A horrid creature